Monday 2 July 2018

5 Practical and Powerful Ways to Overcome Depression

5 Practical and Powerful Ways to Overcome Depression

Over 120 million people worldwide are affected by the black dog of depression; It is one of the leading causes of disability, missed work, broken relationships and more. Depression is worst of all diseases. It leads you to the streets of regrets for your whole life (if you don't commit suicide). I personally have encountered number of colleagues who have suffered from depression coming out positively without much harm, but there are numerous cases that have ended their lives in drugs, prostitution or suicide.

Immediate shock, C grade in exams or F, death of someone close to you, breaking up with girlfriend/boyfriend, divorce, unemployment, rape, witnessing murders, are some of the reasons of leads to depression. But you have to fight for your happiness. Life is too short to spend even a day under the clouds of depression. Pick one of the 5 practical & powerful ways, or i should call it therapies, described below and follow it for at least a week to omit the word depression from your dictionary:

1) Get outside: Get into sunlight for more than 30 minutes. Absorb the theory of sun into your own neurons that no matter how dark the night was, sun is up and shining, no matter whats the concentration of clouds, sun will continue its life. Sunlight makes men to feel alive when felt on skin. It is scientifically proven that sunlight accelerates brain activity and it is necessary for wrapping up of depression.

2) Exercise: At least 4 times a week, go to gym for an hour or simply go for jogging. Weight lifting and running are the two exercises which directly affects your neurons. This is the fastest way to reduce your depression and it is also very effective to diminish your anger. You will much better and light with full of life after exercising. [Caution: If you are not a regular gym user, do not lift high weights on the very first day, you may end depression with the broken back]

3) Sleep: Make a daily sleep pattern from 10pm to 6 or 7am. Scientists refer the sleep between 10pm to 4am as the most efficient and freshening. It will energize you for the next day and you will be able to explore new sights for your life. Follow this for a week and when you are up in morning, do the step 2 mentioned.

4) A Simple brain exercise: Try to remember any entertaining event from any of your friend's life or any movie. Now analyze that event from many different angles. Like your friend accidentally strike a beautiful woman on airport and exchanged their bags. It may have happened intentionally from either of my friend or that woman or it was destiny, it would be trouble for them but a funny situation for the people around them. This exercise will give you power to analyze your own situation with different perspectives which can solve not only depression, almost every problem we encounter.

5) Eat Chocolates: I know this will be the best step for all of you. Eating chocolates and ice cream have an impact of happiness in our mind. It will energize you for socializing. It is the easiest way to overcome depression.

Hope you enjoy the most practical and powerful ways to overcome depression. These are the easiest and fastest methods proven scientifically and even tried personally. Have a wonderful and blessed life.

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